Thursday, April 29, 2010

18 Axonometrics

Axonometric 1

Axonometric 2

Axonometric 3

Axonometric 4

Axonometrics 5

Axonometrics 6

Axonometrics 7

Axonometrics 8

Axonometrics 9

Monday, April 26, 2010

Chales Darwin and Stephen Hawking in Electroliquid Aggregation

Natural Selection has chosen the human race to advance science and technology to such a degree that we are beginning to control not only our own destiny but that of the entire planet. Natural Selection will also define our success or failure.

My First Images on Crysis with a Sketchup Model

This is a trial run for Crysis ... this model is not one of my axonometrics for Experiment 2!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Clients

Charles Darwin
"I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term of Natural Selection."

Darwin C On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (1859) John Murray, London; modern reprint Charles Darwin, Julian Huxley (2003). The Origin of Species. Signet Classics
Image Source: [accessed 18 April 2010]

Stephen Hawking
"The world has changed far more in the past 100 years than in any other century in history. The reason is not political or economic but technological — technologies that flowed directly from advances in basic science."

Stephen Hawkings A Brief History of Relativity in Time magazine (31 December 1999).
Image Source: [accessed 18 April 2010]

Nicole Kuepper
"Two billion people around the world have no access to reliable electricity. Imagine if this could be provided with energy that was both cheap and green.

" A4D69CF1-9890-B67D-2409EF3BFCD8F038?DISPLAYENTRY=true [accessed 18 April 2010]

Image Source:

Monday, April 5, 2010

3 animations

3 developed images from model including materials

Overview of Model - Datum

The upper studio "Joint" and lower studio "Fallen" meet in a neutral gallery space on the datum. The staircases arrive in separate spaces within the gallery but the staircase of the "Joint" studio is able to rotate and hence meet in the same space as the "Fallen" staircase. The mobility of the "Joint" staircase reflects movement of skeletal joints and allows for adaptability of the gallery space to accommodate varying artworks in both size and layout. The walls are made of "static" material to enhance its stable and supportive purpose of being the meeting point of the two studios.

Upper Studio - Joint

Walls and ceilings are "joint" components. Upper section of staircase uses "modular" material to reflect its modular structure. Lower section of staircase uses "trabecular" (being the structure of bone) material reflecting the design based upon "joint" structure and mobility of the skeletal spine. Sections of the floor and ceiling are also of "modular" material highlighting the concept of the component structure.

Lower Studio - Joint

Entry to the lower studio is surrounded by wooden pillars and once inside the studio the appearance becomes that of the pillars which have fallen and caved in on the space. The beams themselves then acting as useful shelves. The upper section of the staircase is composed of both a constructed regular staircase and sections of the "fallen" pillars, with support of a ballustrade for security. The middle section of the staircase confronts one with a more precarious set of stairs supported by a curved beam as if "falling". The steps themselves reflecting the artwork for the studio. One material used for the mid steps is "aerated" to have some 'give' in the step to add to the precariousness. The lower section of stairs are stilted and glass-like creating a deeper sense of instability as if "falling". The ground surface material used is "dense" to create the final static end of "fallen", from where one can fall no more.

"Trabecular" from youtube

This video from youtube relates to my upper studio "Joint". It visually animates the whole skeleton moving down to the bone structure (trabecular). It also shows some bone joints and cushioning between the joints which are interesting. In my design I have attempted to incorporate the concept of moving joints in both the staircase and floor and ceiling, it would be nice to develop these in far greater depth. I have used "trabecular" as a material for the rotating staircase and this idea is supported through the video. This clip has given me inspiration for many more concept designs that could be developed under the title "Joint". Further exploration under "osteoporosis" could develop these ideas to a more complete result .... Time given for research is rewarding! [accessed 5 April 2010]

Artists' work in studio